Movie Buffs

About Us

Welcome to Movie Buffs, your go-to destination for all things related to films, movies, and TV shows! We are a group of passionate individuals from Desoto County, Mississippi, who share a deep love and appreciation for the art of cinema.

Our journey began during our college days when we found solace from academic stress by playing Intramurals. Zach and Austin, two of our avid movie lovers, would often retreat with a cookie log and a film, while the rest of us had to persuade ourselves into this tradition. Eventually, we fell in love with the experience and started discussing movies throughout the day, sharing our hot and cold takes.

Now, we've come together to create this blog where we can share our movie reviews, recommendations, and deep dive into the world of cinema. Our goal is to bring our readers insightful content, captivating discussions, and maybe even introduce you to some hidden gems that you might have missed.

Join us on this cinematic journey as we explore the realms of storytelling, cinematography, and the magic that films have to offer. We hope you enjoy our blog and become a part of our Movie Buffs community!