Movie Buffs

Cover Photo
Stephen's Headshot


Stephen, a hot take aficionado and self-proclaimed generalist, prides himself on a knowledge of width rather than depth after dabbling in multiple fields. He has an affinity for all genres, especially those that drive pathos. Always attempting to note his bias, he's quick to point out if a movie is genuinely good or if it just made him laugh or cry.

Austin's Headshot


Or should I say "Dr. Austin," Austin may not have a cinema doctorate, but he's undoubtedly one of the most intense movie enthusiasts in our group. He revels in thought-provoking and intense films, always seeking the deep hits that leave a profound impression.

Zach's Headshot


Zach is a man of few words, but when he speaks, his thoughts are profound and magical. He introduced the legendary "cookie log" tradition, a must-have companion for any high-energy movie-watching experience.

Rob's Headshot


Rob, a die-hard sports enthusiast, has a strict no-scary-movie policy. Beware of spoilers; he will shut you down if he even senses one approaching. On time only for sports, particularly Ole Miss games.

Ryan's Headshot


A mysterious figure who lives off the grid, Ryan's thoughts and opinions are seldom seen in writing. With his long flowing hair reminiscent of Jon Snow, he exudes an air of enigmatic masculinity.

Sam's Headshot


Renowned for his encyclopedic knowledge across all genres and the ability to resonate with any movie across all levels. Sam is a student of cinema, the youngest of four and the youngest of the group, but don't let his youth fool you—his ability to learn and gain wisdom from his elders adds depth to his unique perspective.